
Thursday, January 19, 2012

vintage fruit images.

These are all old colored drawings, illustrations from old books and are at least 150 years old. The detail and colors are still wonderful.

Michaux Grapes by William Prestele

Golden Gumdrop Plum by Coe

Monmorency Cherries by Marcus Dewey

Red Astrachan Apple

Noblesse Peach by William Hooker

1 comment:

  1. Lordy Wanda I could spend the rest of my life's extra tie just visiting your sites. Your work amazes me. Were you educated for all of this, or you self taught? Which ever, you are fantastic. From your graphics, to tutorials, to animations and everything you do. I am normally not this effusive (right word?) but if you deserve it. Thanks for all you do. Lynne
